To use my engineering skills for good, and to help workers do more with less.
Senior Software Engineer @ Direct Supply
Aug 2018 - PresentFull Stack Dev
- Collaborated with users to understand their day-to-day jobs, build out design mocks, and create clickable prototypes
- Primary front end developer on our Order Guide Management (OGM) product, using React, Redux, and TypeScript
- Provided back end business logic services using C# and PostgreSQL
Architecture Advocate and Dev Lead
- Planned and implemented team standards for separating rendering, I/O, and state management on the front end
- Planned and implemented team standards for API design, component reuse, and calling DB procedures on the back end
- Took on the responsibility of Dev Lead for OGM, organizing and focusing the team on our deliverables
Beyond Code - Senior Living Purchasing
- Experienced the complexities of ordering optimization in the senior living space through continuous, direct collaboration with purchasing analysts.
Software Engineer @ Red Arrow Labs
Sep 2014 - Oct 2017Full Stack Dev
- Primary front end developer on two enterprise products, using React, Flux, Redux, and TypeScript.
- Provided back end business logic services for those products using C# and MS SQL
Beyond Code - Health Care Domain
- Understood the intricacies of specialty pharma, enrollment through fulfillment, by working first hand with pharmacists and care teams while developing
Lunch N' Learn Leader
- Gave the most lunch time presentations of any employee, on topics including functional programming, testing, front end, and accessibility
Web Applications Developer @ Oshkosh Corporation
Mar 2012 - Aug 2014SharePoint Solutions
- Implemented a range of SharePoint apps from small document sharing hubs to fully custom sites with specific business logic, using C# and JavaScript
Testing and Documentation
- Introduced automated testing to custom solutions, and a process for documenting their design
Beyond Code - Engineering and Manufacturing Domain
- Met with a variety of teams from CAD engineers to plant managers, learning their workflow and designing apps around their processes